Chabot Collaborative for Equity and Professional Growth (CCEPG)

Chabot Collaborative for Equity and Professional Growth (CCEPG)

What We Believe

Transformational change requires us to work together to dismantle the inequitable, oppressive systems that harm our communities.  Transformational change requires a choir. Rather than preach to a choir, we like to think of the collaborative’s work as adding in new voices that allow us to sing increasingly more complex and humanizing songs. We want to bring people together to build a world free of oppression, a world worth living in.

What We Do

2 people talking in front of a presentation

The Chabot Collaborative for Equity and Professional Growth (CCEPG) operates as a center for teaching and learning. We facilitate learning experiences for faculty, classified professionals, and administrators with an emphasis on amplifying anti-racist, transformative change in classrooms and across the institution. We strive to see our campus live up to the ideals in our Chabot equity statement. As Chabot counselor Michael Lai says, CCEPG is “making equity our core, our identity, our center and building out from it.”

Our facilitators and leadership team offer workshops, equity institutes, and consultation for Chabot the community to stoke transformational change in three key areas:

  1. Campus Climate + Culture
  2. Curriculum + Pedagogy
  3. Institutional Practices + Policies

Contact Us

CCEPG Consultation Form

staff Meet Our Team

Carmen Johnston
CCEPG Coordinator

Kristin Land
CCEPG Coordinator


Our Philosophy

2 people talking to each other

The CCEPG facilators operate from the assumption that Chabot faculty, staff and administrators can and will design more equitable policies and practices when they have opportunities to imagine more anti-racist, transformative approaches in their specific fields of expertise.  Humans need sustained support to counter the inertia of culture steeped in white supremacy, deepen their critical consciousness, and enact increasingly visionary equity policies and practices. The struggle to enact transformational policies and practices is/will become our way of doing business at Chabot College.

CCEPG Consultation Form